Edge Church Consulting

Helping churches navigate the Cultural turmoil of the twenty-first century

Dr. Mark Edge

Dr. Mark Edge – Church Consultant



E-Books & Audiobooks

Cultural change can be scary…

Some Actual News Headlines

“Silicon Valley Bank closed in second-biggest bank failure in U.S. history”
Washington Post

“In U.S., Decline of Christianity Continues at Rapid Pace”
Pew Research

“After Tyre Nichols beating, lawmakers call for DOJ investigation into Memphis police”
Memphis Commercial Appeal

“Major Crimes Rose 22 Percent in New York City, Even as Shootings Fell”
New York Times

“‘Truly horrific’: Nashville mourns after mass shooting at elementary school”
The Tennessean

“Jacob’s Journey: Life as a Transgender 5-Year-Old”
NBC News

“Sex-Change Treatment for Kids on the Rise”
CBS News

“Hundreds of Suicidal Teens Sleep in Emergency Rooms. Every Night.”
New York Times

“Teens in Distress are Swamping Pediatricians”
New York Times

“Our Children Are Suffering. We must Help them.”
New York Times

“Dallas protesters show up to drag show for kids”

“Gender transitions at school spur debate over when, or if, parents are told”
The Washington Post

“Teacher Refusing to Use Student’s Chosen Pronouns Jailed for Ignoring Order”

ECC Services

We help churches face the chaos of culture

Never in the past 100 years have churches faced greater cultural challenges and bigger opportunities. Here are three ways to work with Edge Church Consulting to overcome the challenges and to identify opportunities to serve as never before.

Option 1

  1. Call ECC and schedule an appointment.
  2. Work with us to create a strategic plan for your church.
  3. Implement the plan.

Contact Us To Learn More

Option 2

  1. Describe to us your challenges.
  2. Bring ECC to visit your church.
  3. Put into practice the strategies we share with you.

Contact Us To Learn More

Option 3

  1. Schedule an event with ECC.
  2. Let us equip you to face your challenge.
  3. Unleash your equipped church.

Contact Us To Learn More

What Is Success for Your Church?

What if we told you that your church could achieve success in any circumstance?

How does the Bible define success? Conversions? Material success? Power? Glory? Courageous deeds?

No. Clearly, some of God’s faithful servants enjoyed all of the above: see Peter, Solomon, Joseph, and Daniel.

But the Bible also views preachers with few converts as faithful (Jeremiah). It considers a young mother, which society disparages as an unwed mother, as faithful (Mary). It views a powerless widow living in poverty as faithful (the widow with the mite.) It considers a son of God—the Son of God—who was tortured and killed after a three-year ministry as faithful.

If you define faithfulness to God as success, we can help you. We help you and your church prove faithful to God in any circumstance.

Don’t kick each other when times are tough.

When anticipating an attack from a wild animal, donkeys gather in what they consider a protective circle—facing out. Unfortunately, as their attacker approaches, the donkeys kick–each other.

On the other hand, Llamas prepare for an assault by circling up and facing inward. They will kick out in the attacker’s direction to thwart an attack.

Too many churches respond to cultural confrontations by behaving like donkeys—their members kick each other.

Churches must look outward like llamas confronting the Evil One and his minions.

ECC helps you look outward.

We offer books, audiobooks, writings, research, and seminars to help you walk with God in a world of chaos.

We serve Christian churches to help them address the chaos of culture while bringing them insight, skill, and hope.

Despite today’s turmoil, you (and your church) can get through this. It may prove difficult and may take a while, but you can get through this.

ECC Tools & Resources


Mark Edge illustrates powerful Bibilcal principles that apply to churches during these chaotic times in stories from sports, business and families.


Edge Church Consulting offers 3 seminars to help your church to face cultural challenges and to realize new opportunities.

Books, E-Books & Audiobooks

Available now! Holy Chaos: How to Walk with God in a Frenzied World by Dr. Mark Edge is available now on Amazon. 

Dr. Mark Edge speaking to group


Edge Church Consulting offers 3 seminars to help you face your challenges.

Holy Chaos-How to Walk with God in a World of Turmoil

Do you ever feel like the world has gone crazy? Do you ever struggle with how God is working in your life? Do you ever wonder if he is even working in your life?

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Making Meaning of Monday: Worshiping God at Work and Leveraging the Workplace for Evangelism

For better or worse, the workplace has become the hub of culture. It is the number one influence on people as they mature and grow into adulthood.

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How to be the church in a Mentally Ill and Emotionally Broken World

Mental illness has always existed in the church, but it was often hidden. That is not the case anymore; it is too hard to hide. What can the church do?

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E-Books & Audiobooks

Coming Soon! E-Books and Audiobooks by Mark Edge will soon be available on Amazon and Kindle.

Holy Chaos by Mark Edge

Holy Chaos

How to Walk with God in a Frenzied World

By Mark Edge

This book shows what God was up to…
to help people who wrestle with what God is up to.

Pandemonium fills our world. Perhaps you feel like mayhem has invaded your life. But what if you could see the possibility that God is at work amid this chaos?

Mark Edge wrote this book to help you:
· Identify what God is up to
· Love the God of your journey more than the journey itself
· Reach the point where if you have only God, God is enough
· Find peace with God and then live at peace with the world

To summarize, this book is designed to help you find meaning, peace, contentment, and hope.

Click here to see what readers are saying about Holy Chaos.

Edge Church Consulting

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Phone: (903) 245-7851

Email: info@edgechurchconsulting.com