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Dr. Mark Edge

Dr. Mark Edge

Mark, thank you for your work and dedication to our congregation over the last 14 months. Your wisdom, ability, & preparation have made a lasting impact on Eastern Hills that will be felt many years after your gone. Thank you for sharing your God given ability & tremendous effort with us all!


Mark Edge has ministered as a foreign missionary to Papua New Guinea and Argentina. He has served as the preaching minister to Texas churches in Brownsville, Winters, and Tyler. Mark earned undergraduate and graduate degrees in Bible and Speech from Abilene Christian University, a Master of Divinity degree focusing on the Old Testament Hebrew and New Testament Greek, and finally a Doctor of Ministry degree in 2008. He has served as a church consultant and as an interim minister to churches in Texas and other states.

Mark retired from full-time ministry and founded The WorkEdge Company in 2013. (For more on the WorkEdge Company click this link: workedgetexas.com) Mark has worked with employees and leaders from companies including Tyson, JBS, Keeco/Hollander, Sherwin Williams, DaVita Inc., Encompass Health, OHL, Chick-fil-A, and Dairy Queen as well as public schools and non-profit organizations. Mark is fluent in Spanish and has spoken in numerous states in every geographic section of the country as well as in three foreign countries.

Mark and his wife, Judy, celebrate 34 years of marriage (and counting) and have worked with couples as marriage mentors. God has blessed them with four children ranging in ages from 20 to 29. Mark has enjoyed supporting the Tyler community in civic activities, including serving as past president of the Tyler Morning Toastmasters. On most Sundays you can find him preaching to members of the first church to give him a preaching job as well as well as one of the churches to support him and his family in Argentina: the Holly Lake Church of Christ.

Thanks Mark for your encouragement, from the pulpit as well as your role with the search committee. We’re going to miss you!


Mark, You can’t know what you’ve done for our church & my family. Thank you for being a steadying force for use bringing God’s word alive.


Dear Mark, just want to say thank you for the support you gave the search committee. Really appreciate all the things you have done…


We have so enjoyed our time with you! We were so excited to find out we would have the opportunity to have you with us during this time. We enjoyed hearing you in worship and knew you would help us through this transition. Thanks for everything/God bless you & your family!


Mark, dear one! We love you, your preaching, teaching, smiling, caring about us!


There is not enough room to say how much we have enjoyed you being here!! I have personally gotten so much wisdom from you and your teachings.


Mark, Thank you so much for all you have done for the church family and especially for me. It’s been a wonderful year! Even though it has only been a year, it has been a memorable one. Thanks.


Mark, thank you for your investment of your life in us-for sharing your wisdom and experience for providing an important segment in our history with direction and purpose. You have helped us develop a new focus.


Mark I really thank your for everything that you have done for me… The hard times we have been through in the morning when we were going to church you brighten up our day. Thanks for every blessing that you have made for us. Good bye.


Edge Church Consulting

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Phone: (903) 245-7851

Email: info@edgechurchconsulting.com