Another Year and the Passage of Time

I found one of the most insightful observations about time I have ever encountered in, of all places, a journal called Journal for Consumer Psychology. The gist of the article was this. Wasting time is terrible. As the researchers noted: You can replace the loss of a...

The Sin of Envy

I am concerned that one of the biggest problems in our culture today is the sin of envy. For example. If person A does not have the material possessions person B has, rather than rejoicing for person B or conceding that “what’s B’s is B’s,” person A engages in envy....

The Boot Polisher

In college, I remember I loved listening to the great Irish preacher Jim McGuiggan teach.* Once, he told a group of us college students about a wicked and God-hating private in the British Army. One evening, a Christian in this private’s platoon returned to the...