It’s Who You Know

            Sometimes, who you know makes all the difference. Entering my freshman year in high school, I was slated to be the quarterback for the freshman team. Meanwhile, another quarterback, a junior, was expected to be the junior varsity quarterback. But he had...

Seeing the Unseen

Sunday is Easter, and I have been thinking lately about one of the great passages regarding the resurrection. It is Hebrews 11. Now stay with me.  Hebrews 11 reflects upon how Abraham honored God multiple times. Part of that focus is Abraham’s willingness to...


I have found that in my lifetime, the most crucial factor determining people’s behavior is how they feel. I’m not saying I am glad about that, but that is what I have observed.  This explains what is happening today in our political process. Many of our...

C. S. Lewis and the Abolition of Man

God needs people.  God needs people with strong hearts and backbones. God needs people with strong hearts and backbones to stand up for him.  C. S. Lewis once wrote, “In a sort of ghastly simplicity we remove the organ and demand the function. We make men without...

“I Would Walk 70 Miles”

The late biblical scholar Spiros Zodhiates told a story about the old Baptist preacher Peter Miller. Miller ministered in Ephrata, Pennsylvania, during the 1700s. During the Revolutionary War, a man lived near his church. This man engaged in personal attacks against...