In this post, explore the complex issue of the Palestinian problem from a different perspective. Discover why Israel may be the safest place for Palestinians to live in the Middle East.
Last week, I wrote about anti-Semitism: a problem not only in the U. S. but in the Western world. Today, I want to address “the Palestinian problem” briefly. Many innocent Palestinians have suffered in the Middle East over the decades. But here is a secret. The safest place for the Palestinians to live in the Middle East is– Israel.
In any other country (or even if the Palestinians had their own state), they would suffer. Living outside of Israel over the past few decades, other Arabs have treated the Palestinians as threats, tools, pawns, and instruments to advance the political aims of the manipulators. This is especially true with terrorist groups.
Israel proper would be the best location for Palestinians to find protection. This Israeli democratic structure would view them as human beings. In Israel, Palestinians would have opportunities to flourish. Arabs in Israel have won elections to serve in the Knesset, the Israeli parliament. They include those from the Islamic faith. Ditto the Israeli Supreme Court.
Here is the problem were Israel to absorb the Palestinians. It would destroy or erode the hope of Arab unity in the Middle East. As long as there are wandering Palestinians without a homeland, ruling Arab leaders can justify the living standards of their people in their regimes. (“Things may be tough for you, but look at the Palestinians!”) Furthermore, and this is important, “the Palestinian problem” provides a unifying banner under which Arabs can gather. (“Israel and the Jews are the problem. If we eliminate them, things would be better.”) Thus, the most destabilizing act in the Middle East would be for Palestinians to live freely in Israel.
The Palestinian problem is a problem many Arabs do not want to ever solve…unless they can destroy Israel and kill the Jews.
Next week, I will offer a history of how we got here. But to conclude today, why am I discussing this? Well, I do have a recent book out with the word “Chaos” in the title. What is happening in the Middle East is a significant source of chaos in the world. That has been the case since before I was born. This impacts the church and Christians in many ways:
- Some feel that this is a prelude to the “last things.”
- Since 1973, events in the Middle East have raised fuel prices, which in turn contributed greatly to inflation. Inflation has made it harder for families to buy what they need to survive and thrive.
- Seen anything in the news lately about unrest on the college campuses?
- Like it or not, God cares about how people treat others. These recurring issues will negatively impact our witness if we get them wrong.
- Related to number 4, politics and religion overlap. They always have and will. We need to finesse this reality well. A famous man once said we should “be wise as serpents and harmless as doves.”
I’m Mark Edge. Thanks for reading.
You can order Mark’s new book Holy Chaos How To Walk with God in a Frenzied World here: